Poor planning on my part. That's what I'll attribute paying for a dock at Caspers Marina is. There is a town dock that is possibly free next door. Well.... that, and the marina owner really irritated me - to the point that I nearly asked George to just leave. The workers were so nice, and so helpful, and she was just such a wench. Ugh. Oh well...... one night. We wanted to do anything entertaining here, because we had been cooped up at the last place for so long with no restaurants or museums, or anything really. This town at least had a restaurant, so we went out for lunch. It was a fun stop, in a really beautiful crossroads area. Its a convergence of rivers and the fishermen are thick. Not sure what they fish for. We were again on a T dock, in a no-wake zone at least. It was a nice night. Quiet. The pictures were pretty nice too.

Next stop - Beaufort NC(Bo-fort). Not to be confused with Beaufort SC(Bew-fort). They are both named for Henry Somerset, the Duke of Beaufort, but they are pronounced very differently. I guess to keep them distinguishable. Who knows.