Not far enough for a days travel. Really only a few hours away from Myrtle Beach, and technically even called North Myrtle Beach. If you don't stop at certain stops, you might miss others, so I have some semblance of an itinerary. This wasn't what I wanted, but there was no room at the one I wanted so we made do. It wasn't great, but they people were really nice. We needed groceries, and there was a store in what we thought was walking distance. Maybe going, but coming back with groceries it would be too much. My knee would be unhappy.

One of the dock workers offered to give us a ride to the grocery store, which was super nice. He seemed like a normal guy, so seemed safe enough. We figured we'd Uber back to the boat when we were done shopping. Turn out in these small towns, there is no Uber. We stood in front of the grocery store while the Uber app was thinking. It eventually said, 'yeah, no Uber will be coming' or some such thing. Oh hell. Now what.

I went inside the store to ask if there were taxis, but when I came out (there weren't), George told me that he had started asking people for rides in front of the store. :( He eventually got some dude to say 'yeah, sure, when I get done shopping I'll give you a lift'. We waited in front of the store for half an hour while he shopped. Some guy and his grandson came out, because shopping with grandma was boring, and we were chatting. When the guy came out of the store and motioned to us to come on, the guy looked at me and said 'you sure about this?' I told him I am actually NOT sure about it at all, and if you see this face on the evening news you can tell them 'I told her it was a bad idea' Turns out it was 3 deep sea fishermen getting ready to go off-shore on a trip, so stocking up. With the two of us, two of them wouldn't fit, so they just left them at the store and took us. We worried for nothing, it was a billion times better than walking, and they were really very nice. Crisis

The idea of staying on a T dock against the channel for a 2nd night wasn't appealing, so we moved on after only 1 night.

Next stop Carolina Beach!